Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Break-up Effect

I began this blog to post my own randomness about a recent break-up that I had. Break-ups suck...period. No questions asked. It's been awhile now and I KNOW my friends and family are tired of hearing about it but the emotions are definitely still there with no real outlet. I'm trying not to let this one experience sour me towards all men...but damn it's hard! You know what else sucks? No matter how bad I realize that he is for me, I still *gasp* miss things about him. I recently found myself to be extremely stressed out...and I missed the comfort that comes along with being in a relationship. I miss having that person that I can go to and express my emotions and they respond in a consoling fashion. It makes me want to call and then I realize that that's just not there anymore...and of course this realization sends me into an emotional tailspin. It's all just so ridiculous. It's like wanting something or someone that is dead...but the person is still alive and well. Weird. Oh well, enough of that....just wanted to put that out there.


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